Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today. Slightly traumatic. Ruttage.

I'm struggling a bit today. I really don't want to be negative, but ugh man, I need an outlet. Bear with me.

I think my boyfriend will be leaving for the mines.

I feel a whole bunch of things. Guilt: last week I had almost hoped he'd go. (I was mad, ok). Sorrow: for what I had hoped my life, our lives would look like next year. More guilt: because there are times when I doubt that future. Anger. Isn't this my life too? And then sometimes, a sense of calm. Everything happens for a reason. We just don't always know why.

Ah, youth.


Secondly, I'll be seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at midnight tonight. I'm sad and excited and happy and emotional.

So. very. emotional.

Also. I'm at work. And I'm behind on my articles. If I like writing so much then WHY do I procrastinate... SO MUCH? What's wrong with me?!!!!!!!!

It's crazy how our decisions change our lives, throwing our life trajectory in a completely new direction, catapulting us to places we never expected. Yet we have to make these decisions with no idea if it's the 'right' one.

Maybe there is no 'right choice'. There are only different outcomes, and each is different, each is both right and wrong.

The infuriating beauty of life?

Out of Joy.

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