Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You're a beauty

Melanie Griffith

You don' need no work done. Jus' felt like sayin'.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


The only way for me to see Harry off.

Surrounded by people I don't know, but who are definitely not strangers. We were a community, decked in gold and red, in green and silver, in billowing black capes and owlish specs. The crowd cheered and laughed. We watched both Part 1 and 2. In Part 1 when Hermione yells, 'Take it off!' to Harry (about the horcrux), laughter. Rude, dirty laughter! When Harry stripped off to jump in the water; wolf whistles. And when people died :( the entire crowd whimpered.

There wasn't much missing, a few things were altered. There were a few minor minor parts that I would have changed. There were a few things I would have clutched hysterically on the cutting room floor (like a small child in the throes of a tantrum), like a glimpse of Teddy Lupin, or a small final scene with Harry's wand. But it was done beautifully. Dan, Rupert, Emma. You were so wonderful. Your hearts were truly in your performance. Noone could have done it better. I don't think anyone ever will.

It was just beautiful. What else could it be? I'm filled with equal parts happiness and sorrow.

Exactly how growing up feels.

Read em and weep.

I thought I was so original :) But I bet there's a million identical letters living in tearsoaked journals all over the world.

This is perfect. This is exactly what we're all feeling... wish I'd written it. haha.

Screen Junkies Goodbye Letter To Harry Potter

Wotcher Harry.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Though It All Ends, It's Not Really Goodbye.

11 years ago my ten year old self stumbled across this book in my school library :)

I had no idea that it was the third in a series. I had even less idea of how big a part of my childhood it would become.

Tonight's the last time I'll see a Harry Potter movie for the first time ♥

Positive me is BACK BABY.

I pep-talked myself the other day and said 'You know, I think it's easy to mope. I need to be brave'. While certainly not pleasant, wallowing is quick and simple. Something bad happens? BAM. It's easier to let yourself fall into the dark than it is to battle your way into the light, no?

Just read some sweetass advice. 'The Best Relationship Advice EVER'. Yep. I needed that kick up the bum. Let's get on with this. Let's be brave! Let's work hard, let's live life, let's plan my next adventure.

I'm seriously seriously (!!!) considering living/working/studying overseas in the near future. If anyone has any advice or tips you know where to leave 'em! Job offers won't go astray either :)

I'd love to study abroad too (if I can afford to do so). If I had to, I'd happily work in hospitality again (I will so regret those words).

I'll close with what my auntie told me on my 21st birthday:

Enjoy the good, the bad and the ugly; we need it all.

Adventure on kidlings!

Love Miss Joy



Emma Watson sporting some glorious eye makeup at the NY premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

... IT'S TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! 10 HOURS TO GO!

Today. Slightly traumatic. Ruttage.

I'm struggling a bit today. I really don't want to be negative, but ugh man, I need an outlet. Bear with me.

I think my boyfriend will be leaving for the mines.

I feel a whole bunch of things. Guilt: last week I had almost hoped he'd go. (I was mad, ok). Sorrow: for what I had hoped my life, our lives would look like next year. More guilt: because there are times when I doubt that future. Anger. Isn't this my life too? And then sometimes, a sense of calm. Everything happens for a reason. We just don't always know why.

Ah, youth.


Secondly, I'll be seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at midnight tonight. I'm sad and excited and happy and emotional.

So. very. emotional.

Also. I'm at work. And I'm behind on my articles. If I like writing so much then WHY do I procrastinate... SO MUCH? What's wrong with me?!!!!!!!!

It's crazy how our decisions change our lives, throwing our life trajectory in a completely new direction, catapulting us to places we never expected. Yet we have to make these decisions with no idea if it's the 'right' one.

Maybe there is no 'right choice'. There are only different outcomes, and each is different, each is both right and wrong.

The infuriating beauty of life?

Out of Joy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Life - why do we need to be reminded to enjoy it?

I just read a blog I follow. They posted about a friend with some pretty heavy health problems. I feel really strongly about sending prayers and positive thoughts to people that need it so, if anyone is reading this, send a little good thought out there.

It's times like these that I remember to pay it forward, to make a difference.

Life can be short, and that we all owe it to ourselves to make it a good one.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Dan Rad. HP. Ol buddy ol pal.

He likes to stay home and read.
Suck it non-nerds!

The headline of my source article makes him sound all 'child-star-gone-off-the-rails' but really, sensationalism aside, it's just him admitting that alcohol is not the be all and end all. Amen brother. Yes drinking can be fun, but it's not healthy. And. Drunk or not, it should never be socially acceptable to be a jerk.

Read the article here.

And Dan? You go Glen Coco.

Yo! You Should Read This Shit!


The Hunger Games

Yeah yeah, I'm late to the party.

But if you've been under a rock with me, and you're not lucky like I am to have a librarian friend who shoves the best books down your throat, I will happily be that friend. Not that I'm a librarian.

Anyway, my friend gives me the creme de la creme. And this shit is some cool creme. I'm sitting at my desk itching to go to lunch to read more! So for now, no more on THG. Oh, just that I can only now appreciate fully that they're making it into a MOVIE!!!

Woody Harelson as Haymitch. YES. CANNOT WAIT. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss. YEAH.
But Liam Hemsworth as Gale? ... naw, mannn.
I just don't dig.
But! I will hope to be pleasantly surprised. I did feel the same about Chris Hemworth (I think I saw an ugly pap photo of the brothers in a club brawl), and he blew me away in Thor. Sweet movie by the way, Thor. Check it!


Bloggers, meet Charlie Hunnam. I discovered him when my parents spent their entire Sunday (literally; 12 hours) watching Sons of Anarchy. Sweet show by the way. I'd watched an episode a while ago and thought it focussed on the violence'n'gore to the detriment of the story. Not at all actually. Storyline is fantastic, well written. Seems (and I say seems as I have no experience with bikies) true to life.

Also. I enjoy Hunnam and his "Brad Pitt - but less gay - thing". I enjoy it with my eyes. This aloof long blonde hair thing reminds me of the sweet little crushes of my youth.

That is all.