Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Think I Want A Tattoo

As I type, a little blue ballpoint owl is winking at me from my middle finger. He is poorly done. He is a little smudged from my recent bathroom break. And he is. the. cutest.

I've always wanted one, but I've never moved away from a small loopy word or flower on my ankle. I also may be deluded - I am under the impression that I can hide Mr OwlFinger under a large ring in professional settings. So dumb - huh.

This one is enormous (little Mr OwlFinger would fit comfortably behind a 5 cent piece), but it's such a cutie. Look at that spunk. (Also, I'm yet to find a tiny itty bitty simple owl tattoo that I like online. What a shame. More procrastination for meeeee!)

So what I'd like to know is, is there anyone out there that hides a little tattoo on their finger under a ring?

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