Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our Wolfpack

Today is a great day for Opinionated Ophelia.

Friends (or, should I say, friend?). Today. I got my first follower.

Several years of being online. 51 stellar posts. 1 follower.

Pretty sure Facebook started out just like that.

So, howdy Mr Keith. Here's to cyberDOMINATION.

or... just some peeps checkin out mah posts.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

"I'm not being brave. I'm being a decent human being"

Anne Hathaway accepted a Human Rights Award in 2008. Yes - I make a shitty journalist :) but this is a message that is eternal. Treat people right. Treat everyone equally. That kind of behaviour should not be the exception.

So today I was lucky enough to be shown her acceptance speech on the loveliness that is Tumblr, and it so brilliantly expressed some things that I haven't articulated, that I feel compelled to shout it from the rooftops... or, Twitter and the blogosphere.

“There are people who have said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage, gay adoption, basically of gay rights but with all due respect I humbly dissent, I’m not being brave, I’m being a decent human being. And I don’t think I should receive an award for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true, that love is a human experience - not a political statement. However, I acknowledge that sadly we live in a world where not everybody feels the same. My family and I will help the good fight continue until that long awaited moment arrives, when our rights are equal and when the political limits on love have been smashed.”
- Anne Hathaway, 2008

Bless ya Anne.

Oph xox

A man whose guilt was in serious doubt has been murdered.

Troy Davis was found guilty of murdering a police officer 19 years ago, based upon the testimony of nine witnesses.

Today, seven of the nine have recanted their testimony entirely. There are also a multitude of problems with the testimony of the remaining two witness accounts.

There is no other evidence. No murder weapon. No DNA.

Today, Troy was killed by lethal injection.

I'm not standing here saying that I know this man was innocent. I haven't read enough about it, and I haven't heard his testimony. What I do know is that his sister, that, and that millions of people worldwide believed that a man with his guilt in doubt should not be executed.

The State of Georgia did not agree.

What I feel in my heart, is that Troy's letter, 'To All'  sounds like the words of an innocent man. I pray for his soul, and for the unwarranted waste of life.

This is indeed a dark day for humanity. I pray that we need never repeat this again. I ask that we all take to whichever platforms we can to make our voices heard, to make Troy's unneccessary death count.

I pray that he did not die in vain.

If you're interested in becoming more involved in advocacy around the death penalty, visit Amnesty International, The Innocence Project, or the NAACP. You can also start your own campaign on this issue on


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Think I Want A Tattoo

As I type, a little blue ballpoint owl is winking at me from my middle finger. He is poorly done. He is a little smudged from my recent bathroom break. And he is. the. cutest.

I've always wanted one, but I've never moved away from a small loopy word or flower on my ankle. I also may be deluded - I am under the impression that I can hide Mr OwlFinger under a large ring in professional settings. So dumb - huh.

This one is enormous (little Mr OwlFinger would fit comfortably behind a 5 cent piece), but it's such a cutie. Look at that spunk. (Also, I'm yet to find a tiny itty bitty simple owl tattoo that I like online. What a shame. More procrastination for meeeee!)

So what I'd like to know is, is there anyone out there that hides a little tattoo on their finger under a ring?