Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If only...

Firstly, I apologise for having left at least two of my blogs in limbo - to be continued is such a wonderful cop-out - but dammit, I'm a poor student working two jobs, suffering from an extreme case of laziness with a bookshelf full of never-been-reads!

I'm currently reading my first non-Sevenwaters piece of Juliet Marillier's - The Dark Mirror, and I cannot really understand why it's taken me so long. I first discovered Marillier's writing in my local library as a thirteen year old. I was drawn to Daughter of the Forest because of its gorgeous cover. Ladies and gents, it blew my mind. It was beautiful, complex, and contained one of the most wonderful love stories in my reading history. It remains to this day one of my most favourite of all favourite books. It's position in my bookcase is considered before all others, like the Queen or a dear elderly relative.

And yet, I have had a friend's copy of The Dark Mirror since I left highschool. That's three years - oh GOSH I'm a terrible person. Don't worry! I'm returning it the minute I finish it with a thousand dollars in late fees. Maybe I'll get my Martha on and bake something to (minus the scariness). That was a joke. Please don't kill me Martha. I adore you; I baked your giant skillet cookie and it was a-mazing.

But back to my original germ of a thought. Why has it taken me so long? Why have I still not finished Gone with the wind? Perfume? The Constant Gardener? I've never read any Austen! I adored what I've read of George Orwell (Down and Out In Paris and London), but haven't made time to read more.

I guess what I'm saying is, dear Universe: I would like a job in which I write every now and then - being a published author could be nice - and then divide the rest of my time between reading glorious books at all hours of the day, baking giant delicious things in skillets, and idolising Liz Lemon while watching hundreds upon hundreds of wonderful episodes of 30 Rock.

Can't wait!
Here's a picture of the wonderful skillet cookie. Make it with kids - so easy, so delicious and such a novelty!

Until next time I leave the couch to post,
Lazy Ophelia


  1. Ironically you just decscribed the exact life I would like to lead once I'm done writing my first book (due out in 2012 but I have to be done asap.) Yep. Baking, eating, reading and writing once in a while instead of at all times, every second, while eating and not nearly enough. Much better.

    ps- Thanks for the comment on my blog!

  2. I'm beginning to think all writers feel the same :)
