Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Someone always spoils the fun: Paying for online content

A recent survey of almost 5000 people in the US and Europe has indicated that readers of online newspapers might be willing to pay up to 97% of what we normally pay for the print versions!

Now, I don’t have a particular issue with new forms of technology and advances in media publishing, or even with people wasting their money. In fact, as the girl under a self-imposed ban from eBay (after one month, one dress and fifteen dollars postage), I am one of the worst people to judge the spending habits of others.

What I do have an issue with is when people do and say things that affect the rest of us. It’s all good and lovely that you’re willing to pay for your business section, but don't tell anyone! In doing this you are ruining a perfectly good thing for the rest of us. You are hindering society. The market researchers click their heels together on their way back to the office where they smugly publish these results, and bam! Everyday Joe is forced to buy his access to his previously free online sport and business reports.

Indeed, Rupert Murdoch is currently scheming how to slug us all a few extra bucks, and plans to have this scheme up and running in as little as twelve months. Lucky for me I have no interest in sport; or business. But it’s the principle of the whole thing!

I’m beginning to see this pattern occurring more often in my life; when something seemingly inevitable looms over the horizon and it could easily be prevented by public unity, but never is. My case in point is the Live at the Zoo mosh. There was no way those flimsy barriers were going to hold that crowd, and every time a couple of idiots in crowd surged forward, the people in the front had no choice but to succumb to inertia and go flying.

I ask, why can’t people just stop being helpful? (What my inner bogan would really love to ask is: Why can’t people just stop being dumb? However, as that could be is offensive, I will refrain).

I propose that from now on we, as a united public band together. Let us take our inspiration from Freedom Riders of the 1960s, from Mahatma Ghandi – let's stick it to the man ... Peacefully!

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