Thursday, June 16, 2011

Life Choices. Me. Not Good At.

My boyfriend had an interview for a job in a mine. It is in a rural isolated town about 5 hours drive away. He asked me how I'd feel about that.

I don't know. I really don't know. I don't think I'd like to move. I mean, I like sushi. A LOT.

The funny thing is though, I'm not really sad or scared.

Where does that leave me?

I like the idea of living in a little country town. I like to think I could work in the local newspaper :)
But. Hmm.

I'm not going to think anymore about it unless/until it happens.




I am expecting these for my birthday.

It will be marvelous.

If I don't get them, I will be crushed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Sometimes, I see something in the news and I really struggle to put it down. Because it's hit me in the heartguts & I don't want to let go of the way it made me feel.

This is one of them.

little dude, I'll be your buddy