Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ophelia in the blogosphere

This post is probably always going to be in progress. It's main purpose is to serve as a place for me to take note of my experience with this weblog - my triumphs, and any not-so-triumphant hiccups along the way - that will hopefully save another blogger out there a minute or two of head-scratching.

- A design issue I've had with this blog has been synchronising my fonts! After much (Ado About Nothing - can't help but think of Shakespeare!), thinking someone asked me if I had been copying and pasting the posts/articles with different fonts from Microsoft Word. I had. Problem solvered!

- I have fixed it now (somehow), but for a few hours the font in the first paragraph of my Big Brother post decided it wanted to stay extremely and irritatingly tiny, no matter how many times I tried to change it.

- The process of editing blogs can feel a little tedious. Perhaps I'm doing it the long and hard way (it wouldn't be the first time), but I have to click on about four different links to go back to a post from my blog to be able to edit it.

- I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing I can do to change the font colour of the text at the bottom of the opinion poll, or about the lack of spacing between some of my pictures and its post headline.

- The more I attempt to polish and format my blog, the more design issues I seem to face. Paragraph breaks are one example; things seem to be fine until I change something which appears to set something else off. It is slightly irritating, yet I am accepting it along with the freedom of the blogging territory. No one thing is completely without fault!

- Apart from these minor issues, I quite enjoy blogging. It's rather liberating to create something that is entirely under your control; that you can edit and fine-tune and change dramatcially if you choose. Creating and using a pseudonym gives me a sense of freedom to express my personal opinions without the harsh protocols that may come with different publications, such as print.

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