Monday, February 28, 2011

Epiphany? Sorta. Lil gold man got in my mind-grapes

Did I spell that right? Epiphany. Ever look at something so long you freak yourself out?

Do you think society is a dream killer?

I watched the Oscars today (side note, I cried. A lot. Natalie Portman wins! Cry. Natalie Portman's little pregnant belly! Cry. Clip of Toy Story 3, weep uncontrollably whilst yelling NOT THE FIRE!). It occured to me that society may pretend to encourage public dream followin', but underneath that thin little silver layer is a blueprint of the pyramid of dream fulfillment. Not everyone can win the lottery (don't believe it? Bruce Almighty baby). Not everyone can be an actress, a singer, a rock star. God forbid. Who would clean the hotels and serve a deliciously greasy yiros at 4am?

So a few people get to be deliriously happy and a lot of people don't?

Eh?! That sounds pretty shit. But here's the kicker of all the crap - the people that have achieved their hearts deepest desires did something about them. People with unfulfilled dreams sit at home shelling peanuts, waiting for someone to knock on the door offering them the dream opportunity.

When I started truly thinking about it, I realised it's laziness or fear of failure. If you need a haircut you don't sit yourself on the porch hoping a kind scissored stranger will soon arrive. You get out there! Or, if you're the quirky type, buy some scissors of your own! I'll get off the scissor metaphor before it gets out of hand, but the point of this story is that though I've never been the kind to think that a career is the be all and end all, I am having this awful niggling feeling that if I don't get up off my butt and do something that works towards doing something that I love, I'm going to be in big trouble.

Operation dream salvagery.

Dreams? A little voluminous but mostly stemming from writing and publishing: to myself be, well, not written but published! Ice-cream taste tester also up there.

Action? I'll start out small - I'mma spruce up my blog. Finish the unfinished posts, mend the holes, patch up that crack! I'm getting a little Sound of Music but hell, I'm building up to my new goal - a post a day. I'll trial this for a week since I have a feeling that shared internet access with a 16 year old monster'll be tricky.
Let's do this O-girl!

Please note: I have a pretty bad memory so I'm going to need a little help reminding myself of this, hence this public pep-talk post.

If anyone is reading this, firstly, sweet Bluebeard's leg are you ok? Google a hobby ... or a good blog hahaha but seriously, don't do that. Secondly, what's your dream? Join the dream bandwagon, help a sister out in the inspiration stakes!

In closing, I leave you with a quote I was spoon-fed in my senior year of highschool but is only today truly getting me right in the guts:

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius and power and magic in it."
- Goethe
I coulda sworn this was followed by:
'Begin it! Begin it now!!'

(Mebbe it's just me :)

Today's message: Grab the sun? It's only our life source - have a play.

Inspired Ophelia out dudes!